The Modules are intended for Clinician Competency Training on Health Care Consent, Advance Care Planning, and Goals of Care conversations. Learners will move beyond advancing their knowledge and attitudes to develop clinical skills through:
- Interactive case scenarios
- Reflective questions
- Videos of both simulated and real clinical encounters
To learn more about how to navigate the site and the modules, click here.
Course Format:
The course contains five self directed online modules, each ending with a quiz. The modules are:
- How do I have an Advance Care Planning conversation with a well patient?
- How do I have an Advance Care Planning conversation with a stable but seriously ill patient?
- How do I have a Goals of Care discussion with an unstable and seriously ill patient?
- Is it my responsibility to address Advance Care Planning, Goals of Care discussions and consent?
- How do I have Goals of Care and consent discussions with a patient who is critically ill and rapidly deteriorating?
Intended Audience:
Course Fee:
$75 and applicable taxes
How to Access the Course:
To register, please click here or on the Register link in the upper right of this page. If you have already registered (on or after January 1, 2020) please click here or on the Login link in the upper right of this page. If you registered prior the January 1, 2020, you must register again.
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario gratefully acknowledges the support of the
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in the creation of the online learning environment for Person Centred Decision Making.
The Person Centred Decision Making course is an initiative of Advance Care Planning Ontario which provides education and Ontario-based tools and resources on Advance Care Planning, Goals of Care, and Health Care Consent, all compliant with Ontario specific laws.
How We Work
HPCO is a provincial association of hospices and palliative care providers, professionals, and volunteers.

We strive for a future where every person in Ontario has access to quality hospice palliative care. This area contains information for the general public

Our Mission is to provide leadership on behalf of our members. This area of the site contains information for our members and healthcare professionals.

What is Hospice Palliative Care? Click the picture above for information about hospice palliative care, where you can find services and other general information.